Mouzhan Varshoueitabrizi, MHsc.


Ideation Clinic

Translational Research Student, University of Toronto

Mouzhan is currently an MHsc candidate in the Translational Research Program at the University of Toronto and a recent graduate from the Life Sciences program at The University of Toronto. 

Mouzhan was involved in a series of University of Toronto Clubs and associations. Her focus being mental health awareness, injury prevention, and early science education. In addition, Mouzhan has extensive experience with different mentorship programs and support systems in the University of Toronto both as a mentor and mentee.


“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.”



What does your role at the Ideation Clinic™ entail?

As a communication assistant, I will help the communication liaison in managing the promotion and the execution of health innovation huddles as well as promoting Ideation Clinic within our partners through social media platforms.

What drew you to the Ideation Clinic™?

I believe the Ideation Clinic gives you the opportunity to use the existing knowledge and apply to real world problems. We can address these problems through identifying the needs of our specific population group and come up with interventions to aid their needs.

Who is your favourite Ideator?

Jack Ma- He showed that as long as a person wants to, they can learn and achieve anything.

What is your Superpower?

The ability to feel other people's emotions so that I know how I can respond to them appropriately.

Two Truths and a Lie:

I can finish a 300 page book in a day.

I am great at playing the piano.

I do not watch any reality TV shows

Who or what inspires creativity in you?

The people around me, especially my loved ones and the people I am connected to one way or another. I am always trying to understand their problem and need so that I can come up with different and creative solutions to lessen their burdens. Even if it is just a small portion of it.


Danny Puente Proaño, MHSc.


Farah Farhat, BSc.